wars: hitler-vs-jews

Wars and the Extermination of the “Other”


Wars, in other words, are fought on two fronts– the external and the internal. The external enemies are obviously other countries or nations. The basic idea is that the enemy is ‘evil’, or racially inferior. Once this idea has been established, they can ‘rationally’ exterminate the ‘vermin’. Who are the ‘internal’ enemies? This could be various domestic ‘enemies’ such as ethnic minorities, colonial populations, the working class, pacifists, oppositionals, and so on. Here, we’ll first discuss the external enemies, or the extermination of the “Other”.

Turks vs. Armenians

Regarding the ‘holocaust’, the extermination of the Jews was hardly the first such holocaust in history. The Turks extermination of Armenians, the Armenian genocide,30 preceded the extermination of the Jews. Today, in Turkey, it is a criminal offence to say that the Turks committed genocide against the Armenians.31 In Germany, on the other hand, it is a criminal offence to deny that the Jewish holocaust took place.32 

The Extermination of the Roma People

In this context, there seems to be a focus on the fate of the Jews, but less of a focus on other cases of genocide, such as the Roma people. Some sources state that the Nazis exterminated 1.5 million Roma people.33 The Roma people, like the Jews, were a despised race throughout Europe in the 20th century and before, and are still ‘despised’ today.34

The crime of the Nazis was not so much their hate of such peoples, but rather how the Germans methodically put that theory into practice. In other words, the Nazi ideology of hate against Jews and Roma people, among others, was widely accepted in Europe.35 For example, the widely accepted idea in the interwar period in Europe that Roma people should be sterilized,36 for example, in countries such as Norway.37

As mentioned above, such historical events have not ended up in the dustbin of history. As of 2023, the Roma people are still despised in Europe.38

Russia vs. Ukraine

In 2023, the future of the current regime in Russia is stuck between a ‘rock and a hard place’. In other words, any form of retreat from the invasion of their neighbour, Ukraine will undermine the regime. Although I am not a political analyst or ‘futurist’, I might argue that the current regime’s unlawful invasion of its neighbour is what has started the process of its own downfall. But before this ‘demise’, we might witness many ‘unfortunate’ and catastrophic events. If you corner a rabid dog in a dead-end street, it will turn and bite you – and who knows what that ‘bite’ will lead to?

In the context of 2023, the Russians are charged with war crimes in Ukraine for targeting civilians.39

Hypocrisy of the West


It appears that Western commentators are suffering from amnesia, as the bombings of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Dresden specifically targeted civilians:

“Given the high number of civilian casualties and the relatively few strategic targets, some even called the bombing of Dresden a war crime, though both the British and the American militaries defended the bombing as necessary.”40

“I personally, very strongly believe that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were definite war crimes.” (Vincent Johnson on Quora)41

Although Vincent does not seem to be a ‘theorist’, he has a refreshingly common sense and sincere point of view on this terrible event. I will add his entire contribution to this discussion in an endnote.42

I also discussed these war crimes in more detail in the previous post: Nuclear Weapons.

What constitutes a war crime?

The hypocrisy of Western nations is beyond belief. Politicians and the media rely on the idea that ‘people are ignorant’. Thus, this is some Goebbelian propaganda idea43 about the stupidity or short-term memory of the people. In other words, the Western media is now up in arms about the Russians’ bombing of civilian targets, or what is known as ‘war crimes’. When the allied forces massacred thousands and millions of civilians during the Second World War, I don’t recall the atrocities being labelled ‘war crimes’. In other words, politicians, the media, and people seem to be conveniently suffering from amnesia. 

Lack of accountability

Furthermore, the US and Britain have never been held accountable for these war crimes. Everybody knows about the Nuremberg trials, where the victors held the defeated Germans accountable for war crimes.44 But as far as I can see, the greatest crimes in the Second World War were committed by the ‘victors’; I don’t recall any instances in which they answered for their crimes. This idea leads us to speculate that history is indeed written by the victors.45 

Of course, one doesn’t have to go back to the Second World War. In the 2003 United States invasion of Iraq, it is estimated that  “between 280,771-315,190 Iraqi civilians killed by direct violence since the U.S. invasion.”46


30 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide

31 https://asbarez.com/human-rights-court-rules-turkey-cannot-criminalize-genocide-recognition/ Read: 28 April, 2023. 

32 https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/germanys-laws-antisemitic-hate-speech-nazi-propaganda-holocaust-denial/

33 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_Holocaust

34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Romani_sentiment

35 “Race biology ideology had the support of contemporary science and was considered to be valid. As early as 1909 the Swedish Race Hygiene Association (Svenska sällskapet för rashygien) was founded, and in 1921 The Swedish Race Biology Institute (was established in the university town of Uppsala. Race biology gained wide acceptance in society at large, but gypsies, Roma people (tattare) and Sámis, who were rejected from the Swedish tribe, and considered to be inferior, probably appreciated it less.

In 1934 a law was passed, which enforced the sterilisation of the mentally insane and their offspring. By this means the race biology ideology may be linked to the art of social engineering. It was a cornerstone in the Social Democrats welfare state. In the idyllic society of the future it seems there is only room for the better so called well adapted A children and the sterilisation law remained until 1975.” IB Nordic History.

36 https://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=8992788&fileOId=8992790.

37 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/dec/09/2

38 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20200918STO87401/roma-discrimination-meps-call-for-stronger-eu-measures

39 https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/04/03/ukraine-apparent-war-crimes-russia-controlled-areas

40 https://www.britannica.com/event/bombing-of-Dresden

41 Vincent Jackson: https://www.quora.com/Is-the-bombing-of-Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki-a-war-crime-as-civilians-were-killed-in-the-attack

42 Vincent Jackson:

I personally, very strongly believe that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were definite war crimes. The bombs killed upwards of 220,000 people who were mostly civilians. Now, the United States government would argue something completely different, and they’ve brainwashed at least half of the American people that it was an “absolute necessary evil to end the war” so it’s “justifiable.”

But this is false. This is the ideology of the people who were literally the one’s to help create and drop the bomb. They don’t believe that what was done was wrong or even evil, just something sad and uncomfortable that they would prefer not think about. Don’t believe the lies! These bombings were not necessary because the Japanese were already beat. We dropped those bombs because we simply wanted to, not because we had to; and we were scared shitless that the Japanese would invade us or that an invasion of Japan would cost many more American lives so President Truman made it happen.

We did it so the world would be too scared of us to say anything bad against us; and it actually worked. The US has been fear mongering the world since the end of World War II to help us get away with pretty much anything. The war was over, but we ended 220,000+ lives and ruined hundreds of thousands of others in the surrounding areas with the subsequent fallout, radiation, birth defects and mutations. Many of the US’s top military officials even voiced their dissent on the issue but no one listened to them. We did it and we were happy it was done and over with.

The United States isn’t the hero in this story that we’ve been led to believe it is; it’s the villain that got away with the mass murder 200K+ civilians and remains a top world contender in economics and militarism. People need to realize they were lied to and brainwashed to believe that the bombings weren’t war crimes, but they were and are. The United States helped create the most dangerous weapon in the whole world, wiped two whole cities off the map and never paid for it to this day. Those people deserve justice for what the US did to them and someday their descendants will get it.

This world will forever be scarred and remain in fear of something like that happening again unless all nukes are disarmed and dismantled, worldwide, and nothing like them is ever created again for uses of mass destruction. Vincent Johnson, https://www.quora.com/Is-the-bombing-of-Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki-a-war-crime-as-civilians-were-killed-in-the-attack

43 “The Big Lie”: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joseph-goebbels-on-the-quot-big-lie-quot Read: 28 April, 2023. 

44 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials

45 Many attribute this adage to Winston Churchill.

46 https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi#:~:text=Key%20Findings,violence%20since%20the%20U.S.%20invasion. Read: 28 April 2023. 

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