This is a semi-fictionalized recreation of one of the important moments in the life and love story of my parents, Alex and Rhoda. Read the rest here.

A cool breeze ruffles the leaves of the ancient willow trees, creating a rustling sound. The last traces of the sun’s rays filter through the leaves, creating speckled, dancing shadows on the grass. The afterglow of the now-setting sun brings with it a chill in the air. It sends shivers down my skin. I feel uneasy; my hands clammy with sweat. I seem to hear the leaves whisper in my ear, “Kiss her.”
I am sitting on a wooden bench in Kelvin Park, Glasgow. It is the year 1940, and as such, most of the people are already home. Only a few are left, most of them couples. The street lamps flicker to life, their amber glow illuminating the pathways. But I am sitting in an area where the glow of the lamp can’t reach, which is ok for me. I can’t let him see my face, all pink from blushing. His hand slowly holds mine, so I turn to face him.
At last, she is now facing me. I lift her chin and look deeply into her eyes, searching for an answer. I stare deep into her soul. She glances down once, then slowly opens her eyes and stares back at me. That is all the answer I need. I kiss her forehead first, a gentle kiss of respect. Then I slowly lock my lips with hers, and I can almost hear her making a soft sigh.
The kiss we share is gentle at first, like two dancers who are trying to gauge each other’s responses. I then kiss her with all the longing and passion locked deep within me so she will know, without a doubt, what my true intentions are. I feel her stiffen at first, then she slowly relaxes.
I stiffen up when I realize what his intentions are. His kisses are now deep, and I fight a hard battle within myself to give in to his needs. But the privacy and darkness that surround Kelvin Park seem to help me arrive at a decision. Who was to know what would happen here? The glow of the dim streetlights can’t reach the wooden bench where we sit, locked in a passionate embrace. The weeping willow trees hide us in their shadows. No one is around to see us. And the air? It carries the faint scent of earth and his aftershave. The scent awakens something primal in me. He senses my tacit assent.
I sense her silence, which means yes. Even with no questions asked, we have come to a silent agreement. I take her hand. She stands up, following my lead as I take her deeper into the wooded area. I stop beneath a majestic willow tree. I look around to ensure that nobody is around to see us. You see, I have to protect her reputation. People can be unforgiving, harsh, and critical, especially if a woman’s reputation is at stake. But I can’t control this hunger that is deep within me—the hunger to make love to a woman I want to be the better part of me. I feel nervous, yes, but my passion is much greater, and nothing can stop me right now. I can feel her shivering as I slowly lay her down on the grass.
I question myself as I slowly lay down on the grass, shivering with fear and excitement. Is this the path I am willing to take? Should I allow this to happen? Will he marry me afterwards? What will people say if they find out I am no longer an innocent maiden? But then a little voice in my head says, “You love him. That is what’s important.”
I am a man about to embark on a journey of passion and desire. But she has just turned nineteen! Compared to my age of twenty-four, I have seen a little bit of the world, whereas she has been confined to her tiny place in this world. But then my desire gets the better of me. I have to have her and make her mine. She is the love of my life. And with that thought, I slowly loosen up her clothing.
I feel his hands touching me, the passion rising up deep within me, and I am caught in its maelstrom. I can hear him emitting a faint growl as he tries to subdue his rising passion, but to no avail. He is caught in a whirlwind of passion.
She murmurs a cry of pain. But I’m deaf to all sounds except the wild beating of our hearts. I can taste the sweetness of her mouth and tongue as we engage in a torrid kiss.
I feel a bout of dissatisfaction when I sense that he is already done. Was that it? Did I miss something here? I still feel that there is something within me that is craving something more. Slowly, I sit up, despite the slight tinge of pain. I slowly rearrange my clothes, hoping that no one will notice the creases they have acquired after our rough passion. With two shaky legs, I stand up as I gather my wits around me. I am surprised when he kneels in front of me.
What happened between us has made me come up with a decision. I kneel in front of her, much to her surprise. I gather long blades of grass around me and weave them together, creating a makeshift ring. Then, with a shaky voice, I ask her, Will you marry me?
Did I hear him right? Did he ask me to marry him? But seeing the makeshift ring in his hand, I realized that I heard him right. With a tremulous voice, I reply, Yes, Alex, I will marry you.